Sunday, May 3, 2009

Standard protocol for marriage

My close associate Basanth suggested few basic points to be considered during the search for marriage. These are purely authors thought.... (I thankful to him for these guidelines :)

Few things that I believe will help us no matter what background we come from:

1.Keep your expectations simple, clear and straight.
2.Some compromises are inevitable, be humble and accept things gracefully. Its your family that matters most, so you may want to keep their heart before making your choice. See that your parents are happy with your choice.
3.Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder, so make your choice of girl and you dont have to justify to anybody at all. For sure, you would not choose somebody out of desperation.
4.Criticism will never go as long as the human race exists. So bother less about such trivial talks and get along with your life.
5.Let your success make all the talking than your talk becoming the talk of the talkers.
6.I am sure with honesty, truthfulness, courage and doing right things you could put a fullstop to all kind of lose talks.

Use both your head and heart equally and make a decision. But do think and analyse very well before deciding. If need be, talk to people who you think can give sensible advises that can help you decide better. But keep it brief. If you are ok with your choice dont delay too much. It is said that 'Good things do not last for long'.
Good Luck with your search and all the best.

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